Rumors about me

This blog is about what is on my mind at any given time. Nothing more, nothing less. I will write and post when I have something on my mind and when I have time. All work on this blog is my creation and my property alone. You may use it, share it, and keep it as you like. But please credit me and do not try to make money off of it. If you have an idea about how to make money from what is contained on this blog then you and I need to sit down and have a talk.

In the event that there is work on this site that is not my sole creation I will make note of it as possible. You should respect the rights of whoever owns that property.

If you like what I’ve written and would like me to be a guest blogger, be a speaker for your event, publish my past or future work, or you just want to give me money for no other reason than you are fond of my work and think I deserve something for my efforts, please feel free to email me.

I also welcome anyone who wants to be a guest blogger on here, just email me.

Do you want to know more about me, well for that we have the great wide world of social networking, please see the following links.

Here is the Twitter account for this blog.

Here is the Facebook Page for this blog.

Of course you can always email me:

All work on this website is © 2013-2014 Martin R. Conterez unless otherwise noted.


  1. Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog. I’m glad to have visited you here and wish I had some money to give you for no reason other than it was a pleasant break from my day…but alas, I have nothing to give but my thanks:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks and appreciation are all that are really needed. I like your blog. Will do my best to stop by more. My posts have been absent as of late. I’ve been writing but I just don’t have the effort in me to put stuff up recently. I’m sure I’ll get back to it eventually. Thank you for the follow and coming around.


  2. Thanks for following Nutsrok. I can’t give you money, but I can offer you a few relatives!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Reading my stuff is more than I can ask.


  3. Hello.
    Thanks for stopping by my goofy little page.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All to happy too. It may be goofy but I like it.


  4. Hi Martin I must read more of your blog.
    Thanks for following my blog.
    Come visit anytime.


    1. You look like you have some good work. I look forward to more of your poetry. Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoy my stuff.


  5. I’m trying to catch up and read your blog. You have great style. I’m saving your blog to my favorites. So there. 🙂


    1. Sweet. That makes me do a little happy dance.


  6. This is an excellent about page. I am tempted to give you money.


    1. I wouldn’t turn you down, that’s for sure.


  7. Sadly, no coppers from this quarter either, but I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Hope that counts for something!


    1. It totally counts. It’s so awesome that you thought of me. It really means a lot. I’ll have to do my due diligence and follow the rules of consideration. Thank you so very much.


  8. […] it. (Psst….. He wouldn’t mind if you sent a bit of money to him either. Really just read this if you don’t believe me.) […]


  9. Thanks for visiting the Jenn stories–yea, verily, even following them. I like your style. I think I’ll follow yours, too. Sadly however (for both of us, I guess), I haven’t got any money…


    1. Oh that’s okay, I appreciate the follow. I mostly put that there as a joke, but I would not turn someone down if there was a serious offer out there.

      Thank you for visiting, and following. It means a lot to me.


      1. It’s my pleasure. And I was just joking back. I wouldn’t really give you money. I mean . . . 😉


Now that I've insulted you, tell me how you really feel...